
Rates on 1st January 2018

Using the Catalogue - All prices excluding VAT

For classical or traditional music (*)

To obtain a licence, see iEasyCueSheet Pro

TV Advertising - Rights: All TV channels/France /per annum -  €2000 per title - €3500 (*) per title

Radio Advertising - Rights: All radio stations/France/per annum - €700 per title - €1500 (*) per title

Cinema Advertising – Rights: All movie theatres/France/per annum - €500 per title - €1000 (*) per title

Internet Advertising – Rights: Internet/worldwide/per annum - €1000 per title - (*) €2000 per title

TV Billboards/TV sponsorship/Feature film  - Rights: All mass media/all formats/worldwide/30 years - €500 per title per minute started - €1000 (*) per title per minute started

Short Films – Rights: All mass media/all formats/worldwide/30 years - €150 per title per minute started - €300 (*) per title per minute started

Trailers full-length Films – Rights: All mass media/all formats/worldwide/30 years - €300 per title - €600 (*) per title

TV Film – Rights: All TV channels/all formats/worldwide/30 years - €350 per title per minute started - €700 (*) per title per minute started

All TV channels/Internet/all formats/worldwide/30 years - €80 per title per minute started

  • Flat-rate fee of €800 for a 52 minute documentary, irrespective of the number of titles and the song length - €200 (*) per title per minute started

TV Magazine/TV Coverage – Rights: All TV channels/Internet/worldwide/30 years - €40 per title per minute started

  • Flat-rate fee of €300 for a 26 minute magazine, irrespective of the number of titles and the song length - €80 (*) per title per minute started  
  • Flat-rate fee of €600 (*) for a 26 minute magazine, irrespective of the number of titles and the song length.

Corporate Film – €0.90 per second - €1.80 (*) per second

Reminder: Corporate films must be declared with the SDRM. The licence fee, applicable to the first 50 copies, is €1 per second. You can declare by filling out the Corporate film document made available on iEasyCueSheet.

Internet Website: Rights : One website/worldwide/per annum - €200 per title - €400 (*) per title

Reminder: Internet websites must be declared with the SESAM. Terms and prices available on http://www.sesam.org

For all other use: TV trailers, TV programmes, Local Radio Advertising, Local TV Ads, CDs or DVDs for sale, Automated telephone messages, Audiotel, Mobile phone ring tones, PA or Sound system...please contact us.